The Beacon Pilot Project Learning Evaluation

The aim of this research was to establish and embed a sustainable school approach to the social and emotional development, mental health and wellbeing of children and young people, both in terms of specialist provision for individuals needing particular support and in terms of universal provision to support the entire school community.

The core components were a series of activities and professional development opportunities, designed to: consolidate and enhance staff knowledge in the area; build competencies and self-reflective awareness among staff with respect to meeting pupils’ needs; and provide supervision for family support workers in schools.

Key findings

  • When there were concerns about mental health and wellbeing, there was a much stronger sense of a shared commitment of working together to find the solutions.
  • Children and staff reported higher levels of wellbeing by the end of the project.
  • Staff reported raised awareness and knowledge about mental health issues.
  • The family support workers’ strengths-based approach was valued by children, parents and carers and staff.

Lucy Roberts: Research Fellow (Psychology) and Prof Robin Banerjee, Professor of Developmental Psychology, Head of School (Psychology), University of Sussex

Time span

Coventry Diocesan Board of Education

The Beacon Pilot Project Learning Evaluation

The Beacon - Coventry Diocese Board of Education