The International Centre Research Group

Established in 2013 The International Centre Research Group (ICRG) the group meets bi-annually to share current research into therapeutic practice in residential and foster care and other settings.

It offers a space where people can network and share ideas and interests about how to research this complex area of child care.
Chaired by Dr Caryn Onions, Head of Research and Development at The Mulberry Bush, the ICRGs are informal gatherings where attendees are encouraged to share their thoughts with each other and the presenters.

It is always a privilege to have the opportunity to explore with researchers their thoughts around individual projects and to find out how they resolved design and other methodological dilemmas.

If you’d like to find out more about the group, have any ideas for future presenters or if you are undertaking research that you think would fit the remit of the ICRG please get in touch with Dr Caryn Onions via email at [email protected]