Are you working with a child at risk of permanent exclusion? Do you feel you have exhausted your toolkit to prevent a permanent exclusion or ongoing suspensions? We may be able to help.
We have developed a model to reduce suspensions and risk of permanent exclusion for pupils who may be at risk of permanent exclusion. The model focuses on developing a sustainable, whole school, proactive approach which is rooted in understanding behaviour as a communication, reflective practice and collaborative working. The process encourages staff to consider the underlying reasons for behaviour and the impact this has on healthy relationships and learning whilst thinking about new strategies to try.
The model consists of 3 visits, completed by a member of the Mulberry Bush Outreach team and an observation of the pupil who may be displaying behaviour which feels challenging. Please get in touch if you are concerned about a pupil who is at risk of permanent exclusion, and we will do our best to support you and prevent this.
Research and statistics around permanent school exclusions (sometimes referred to as PEX):
- 6500 children were permanently excluded in English in academic year 2021/2022- that equates to 8 children PEXed per 10,000 pupils
- Children who are PEXed have a higher chance of leaving secondary education and not entering further education, employment or training.
- There is a bidirectional causal link between PEX and longer-term mental health needs throughout adulthood.
- Lots of Oxfordshire children have said that they don’t feel they belong in school or home
- There has been a 75% increase in pupils who are living in poverty and excluded since COVID
To download the Reducing Exclusions flyer click here