Intro to SEMH (Online)

Course Outline
  • Online Course
  • 2 Hour Sessions
  • Price: £35 each or £90 for all 3

The three elements are based on our long experience at The Mulberry Bush School of working with children who have experienced complex trauma and reflect our core values and approaches. The sessions provide the chance to understand and think about social, emotional, and cognitive developmental experiences which may impact on how children and young people manage the many and varied demands of school. Together they form the basis for working within a reflective, relational approach with children who have Social, Emotional and Mental Health needs.

At The Mulberry Bush we focus on understanding how children communicate their emotional needs through their behaviour, and we do this through a reflective, collaborative approach.

As well as the presentation there will be opportunities in each session for you to reflect on your own experiences when working alongside children and young people, and to share these with colleagues.

Course Sessions

Introduction to Making Sense of Behaviour

We are all sometimes left confused by behaviour, and often we can feel that no matter what we do, nothing seems to help. This session introduces ways of thinking about and making sense of what is often puzzling and sometimes distressing behaviour. We will look at what children and young people’s behaviour might be communicating about their emotional needs and struggles and think about why some children ‘can’t just say it’.

Crucially, we will look at the importance of how we use this understanding to identify children’s needs and think about how we can meet them. We also reflect on what (and how) we as adults communicate to children, and there will be opportunities to think about and develop your own practice through activities and interaction with colleagues.

Introduction to Attachment Informed Practice

The session is an Introduction to Attachment Theory and how this this is relevant to learning, behaviour and relationships in school.

We will look at the origins and development of Attachment Theory and how it can be a useful model to help understand some of the ways in which children
and young people struggle with relationships, and to think about behaviour which we find challenging and puzzling.

Introduction to Brain Development and Trauma

You will have worked with children and young people who can appear to react strongly to the smallest of triggers, and wondered why their behaviour
can go from nought to sixty in barely the blink of an eye.

In this final session, we will be thinking about the impacts of early childhood trauma, and the effects of trauma and toxic stress on the developing brain. We will look at the growing field of neuroscience, and the insights it can give us into what happens physiologically and neurologically when we are under extreme stress; how this can help us to understand better, and respond appropriately to behaviour, help support social and emotional development, and promote resilience.

Course Outline
  • Online Course
  • 2 Hour Sessions
  • Price: £35 each or £90 for all 3
