Crossfields Institute Level 3 Certificate in Therapeutic Group Work with Children and Young People

Used well, groups can be a powerful tool, enabling children to learn to work safely and productively together. This experiential qualification enables practitioners to develop the skills, knowledge and understanding to make effective use of a therapeutic group to support change for children and young people effectively.

Who is this course for?
This qualification is suitable for those staff using group work with children or young people in either school or care settings. It is also suitable for adoptive parents and guardians. These groups may be for all ages and abilities such as: circle times, youth clubs, nurture groups or after-school clubs.

The course will include:

  • What makes a group therapeutic?
  • The theories which can underpin and support groups.
  • Exploring how the group itself is the key therapeutic resource.
  • Working with dynamics, roles and resistance in groups.
  • Child development.
  • The aims of the group and assessing its effectiveness.
  • Setting up and running a group.
  • Recording and evaluating your group.

What is expected of participants?
Students will be expected to not only learn about groups but work as a reflective practice group themselves. Students will be expected to bring examples of their work for live discussion based sessions. Assessment will include poster presentations, written assignments and group discussions.

When will the course take place?

This course will run for a period of approximately six months. Taught half day sessions will take place through a mix of online & face-to-face sessions as well as 3 overnight residentials at our MB3 site in Gloucestershire. Learners will also be expected to take part in self-directed learning between sessions.

Our next Group Work course commences on February 23rd 2024.

You can find the full programme with the course dates & times in the flyer here.

‘This course has…provided me with the stepping stones to provide a more consistent and valuable group session.’
Course Learner

This course is accredited by the Crossfields Institute and APPCIOS.



Claire’s Story

For over a year, Claire had been running classroom groups for children at risk of exclusion. She described how no matter how much planning she did for the group she was left feeling the group hadn’t worked and she was often left feeling emotionally drained afterwards. Several weeks later one of the children bumped into her in another part of the school and commented that he really missed the group, how it had really helped him develop his relationships with others and learn about himself. This led Claire to look again at the role, function and running of the group and to want to learn more about how a therapeutic group could help her make sense of the children through what was played out in the group. This experiential course was the stepping stone she needed.”


SEN Teacher

Book your place on the course today